FENIX Scenario
presents “Materiorama”
presents “Materiorama”

FENIX Scenario
presents “Materiorama”
As part of Design Week, from 6 to 10 September, FENIX Scenario will be hosting “Materiorama”: an installation created by French designer Constance Guisset.
The project uses a poetic and interactive approach to convey the full extent of the “FENIX” system of innovative materials and how they dialogue with a captivating series of surfaces, textures and colours.
The installation will transform the space at via Quintino Sella 1 into a place for people to be inspired and interact with the beauty and characteristics of materials that are truly unique and distinctive.
Milan Design Week 2021
September 6 - 24, 2021
Via Quintino Sella 1, Milan
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